
The thing with cryptocurrencies is that everyone is just shilling it for their own benefit. So who can you really trust? It seems all you need is an audience and make your own cryptocurrency and you can just make a lot of money.

These are the words of wisdom of a legendary Youtuber known as PewDiePie who, after poking fun at the Bitconnect's pyramid scheme, jokingly announced his very own cryptocurrency- the BrofistCoin.

Are you ready to make a lot of money? Invest now guys before it's too late!

Learn more
PewDiePie wearing a suit and holding cash in hand

What is BrofistCoin?

This is the one that's really gonna take off. Trust me. I am the most trustworthy Youtuber on the platform and I'm telling you right here, right now, BrofistCoin is where it's at. We're gonna BROFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIST... our way to the TOP! This is the cryptocurrency that's really gonna make it. It's gonna be great.

BrofistCoin is a fan-made cryptocurrency inspired by PewDiePie and powered by the Ethereum blockchain. You can send it to your friends and trade it on exchanges such as ForkDelta and BambooRelay.

The main purpose of BrofistCoin is to serve as an incentive for content creators to come up with top quality, unique and funny memes for the PewDiePie's Last Week I Asked You (LWIAY) show. Each week, after the episode, we announce the top 3 meme authors who get to share a pool of 100 BrofistCoin based on the total percentage of upvotes received from the PewDiePieSubmissions subreddit.

This makes BrofistCoin a meme coin in its most literal sense! It's a meme cryptocurrency for memes that you can earn by creating more memes.

However, because BrofistCoin lives on the Ethereum blockchain, we can utilize the power of Smart Contracts to create all sorts of other cool things too.

It's strongly recommended to read our FAQ to fully understand the concept especially if you are new to Ethereum. It's worth it, I promise!

Meme Trading Cards

The first batch of trading cards was just airdropped to anyone who was interested. In total we managed to mint 75 cards. Think of the Meme Awards 2018 airdrop like the rare item drop of your favorite MMORPG called life. We will be doing more of these in the future when something significant happens in the meme world. Stay tuned! What's more, all of these cards can be used in our upcoming blockchain based trading cards game! Although you might not want to actually play with them because they are too rare to just... lose.

PewDiePie and Memes Related Trading Cards You might be wondering how does one acquire more of these Meme Trading Cards? Why, through playing our super awesome card game of course ;)

Yes, you heard that right! We are working on releasing a full blown trading cards game on the Ethereum platform pretty soon and what's even more amazing is that everyone will have exactly the same chance at receiving any Meme Trading Card simply by playing the game. All it takes is a little bit of skill.

If you're interested to learn more, we have a whole page dedicated to the project over here and you can already try out the playable demo today to practice. How cool is that?!

One more thing... since this is a project with absolutely no funding behind it, we would appreciate a donation of any kind to help us hire graphics designers, solidity developers and social media managers to really make this project awesome. Any ETH or token donations welcome: 0xa8B8DE18b2dC12e755aD9B5805f7aac3d9489C05

  • ERC20 Compliant

    BrofistCoin is an Ethereum based ERC20 compliant cryptocurrency

  • Buy, sell, trade

    You can buy, sell and trade BrofistCoin just like any other cryptocurrency here and here.

  • For all BRO's

    May all the BRO's become financially independently!


Whoa! In just under 3 months we distributed all of the 40 million PEW to more than 74,000 addresses. That's crazy!

Unfortunately this means that you can no longer claim any free PEW. In case you missed your chance you should check out ForkDelta where you can sometimes find a pretty good deal.

BrofistCoin Specifications

  • Name BrofistCoin
  • Symbol PEW
  • Decimals 8
  • Supply 45,690,940
  • ContractHere

After the airdrop ended we moved reserved funds to their own separate wallets. You can see PewDiePie's wallet here and the wallet for our Developers here. The private keys for those wallets are (hopefully) safe in a place nobody will ever look. Actually it would be cool to hide them in plain sight... HHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?

On January 24th 2021 we burned 4,3 million PEW tokens from our dev wallet. It's been 3 years, not a lot of trading going on lately. Hell, it's not even on Uniswap. We figured that burning dev tokens might help resurrect this. Let's see :)

PewDiePie hmm


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